Apple+ Crossword January 27 2025 Answers (1/27/25)

Here are the answers to today's Apple+ Crossword puzzle for January 27 2025, designed to help you complete it!
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Our Apple+ Crossword answer guide for January 27, 2025 is here to help you complete today’s puzzle if you’re struggling with any tricky clues.

Apple+ Crossword January 27, 2025 Answers

If you’re stuck on the Apple+ Crossword for 1/27/25, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find all the clues you need to uncover the answers. Just search for the clue you’re struggling with and select it to reveal the answer. This approach ensures you can find the specific clues you’re missing without accidentally seeing solutions to others you haven’t tackled yet.

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# Clue
1A Allergy symptom
5A Pollo alternative
10A Lewis Tewanima's people
14A Imaginary Friends playwright Ephron
15A Punctuation mark with two dots
16A "My thoughts exactly!"
17A Dispassionate
19A They may treat kittens
20A Spanish for "this"
21A "Nah, I'm fine"
22A Otherwise
23A ___ hound
25A "A simple task!"
27A ___ port (part of a laptop)
28A V-neck item
31A Tracy who wrote The Minutes
32A "Liquor won't be provided," for short
34A Employ
35A msmagazine.___
36A Compassionate
40A Massage
41A Massage place
42A "And that's my magic trick!"
45A Have the same perspective
48A Totally swole
50A Money in Kyoto
51A Self-pitying statement
53A Type of best-of list
55A Boat on rapids
56A A ways away
59A Intense roller-coaster part
60A Name that becomes a fake name if you add an S to the end
61A Passionate
64A 💵 drawer
65A The Sopranos character ___ Bucco
66A Minty-candy shape
67A Offer to a buyer
68A Antonym of "most"
69A ___ Park (Chicago neighborhood)
1D Corporation abbreviation
2D "Child's play!"
3D Ye olde ranged weapon
4D Comes to a stop
5D High or low card in Liverpool rummy
6D 🛀 bar
7D Marriage Story actor Alan
8D "___ everyone?" ("What, just me?")
9D "As a consequence of that ..."
10D "Why do you seem so familiar?"
11D Breakfast dish that may contain cubed ham
12D Took care of a friend's tarantula, for example
13D Maps within maps
18D Gardening tools (and a homophone of a singular gardening tool)
23D Fella
24D Opposable body part
26D ___ machine (casino fixture)
29D "... kinda sorta"
30D ___'s Peanut Butter Cups
33D Reveal the full truth
35D Quilting, for example
37D Feels regret
38D Gorilla, for example
39D Routine
43D Pool area that a new swimmer might avoid
44D Journalist Curry
45D "Well, dang!"
46D Soccer player such as Christiane Endler
47D Extra trip to the soda fountain
48D "___ long ..." ("Soon enough ...")
49D Risk-taking acronym
52D Taj ___
54D Doggy
57D Puri flour
58D Sluggers' stats
62D Permit
63D Nickname for Diana Taurasi

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Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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