Award related to a Tony LA Times Crossword Clue

We have the answer for Award related to a Tony crossword clue if you’re having trouble filling in the grid! Crossword puzzles provide a mental workout that can help keep your brain active and engaged, which is especially important as you age. Regular mental stimulation has been shown to help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Crossword Puzzles
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When you're approaching a crossword puzzle, it can be useful to start with the clues that you are confident about. These might be clues that you know the answer to immediately, or that you can make an educated guess about based on the letters you have already filled in. This can help you build momentum and gain a sense of progress, which can be motivating.

Then, move on to the longer clues and answers. These clues often provide more context and can give you a better sense of the overall theme or structure of the puzzle. Additionally, longer answers are usually easier to fill in once you have a few letters already in place. If you're still stuck, consider jumping around to different sections of the puzzle rather than trying to solve it in a linear fashion. This can help you break out of a mental rut and come up with new ideas for solving clues. Still stuck? We have the answer for you so you can move onto the next clue in the grid! If you're still struggling, we have the Award related to a Tony crossword clue answer below.

Award related to a Tony Crossword Clue Answer is…

Answer: OBIE

This clue last appeared in the LA Times Crossword on March 23, 2023. You can also find answers to past LA Times Crosswords.

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You can play the LA Times crossword online.

Clue & Answer Definitions

  • RELATED (adjective)
    1. being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics
    2. connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
  • AWARD (verb)
    1. give, especially as an honor or reward
    2. give as judged due or on the basis of merit
  • AWARD (noun)
    1. something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
    2. a grant made by a law court

That should be all the information you need to solve for the crossword clue and fill in more of the grid you’re working on! Be sure to check out the Crossword section of our website to find more answers and solutions.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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