Equivalent in barter value 7 Little Words Answer

We have the answer for Equivalent in barter value 7 Little Words if you’re having trouble filling in the grid! Puzzles provide a mental workout that can help keep your brain active and engaged, which is especially important as you age. Regular mental stimulation has been shown to help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Now, let's get into the answer for Equivalent in barter value crossword clue most recently seen in the 7 Little Words.

Equivalent in barter value 7 Little Words Answer is…

This clue last appeared in the 7 Little Words on September 23, 2024. You can also find answers to past 7 Little Words.

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Clue & Answer Definitions

  • FUNGIBLE (noun)
    1. a commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation
  • FUNGIBLE (adjective)
    1. of goods or commodities; freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation
  • EQUIVALENT (noun)
    1. the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen
    2. a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc
  • EQUIVALENT (adjective)
    1. being essentially equal to something

We hope this helped you to finish today’s 7 Little Words puzzle. You can find all of the answers for each day’s set of clues in the 7 Little Words section of our website.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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