In Anime Last Stand (ALS), the unit known as Curse King (Suppressed) – commonly referred to by players as Sukuna is one of the best units in the game. Even better is that you can upgrade his abilities, which becomes an absolute priority once you’ve acquired him, by evolving him using Cursed Fingers, which is currently unique to him.
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Anime Last Stand Sukuna and Sukuna Cursed Fingers Guide
To evolve Sukuna in Anime Last Stand, you first need to collect 12 Sukuna Cursed Fingers. Here’s how:
- Navigate to the Challenges Section: Found in the hub area’s cave, this is where you’ll start your quest for Cursed Fingers.
- Complete Challenges: Each challenge completed gives you a 30% chance of earning a Cursed Finger.
- Be Patient: With the drop rate at 30%, expect to complete numerous challenges to gather all 12 fingers.
On the bright side, you only need to collect 12 fingers instead of 20, like in the anime!
How to Evolve Sukuna
With all Cursed Fingers collected, Sukuna is ready to evolve in ALS:
- Open the Units Menu: Access this through the Units button on the left side of your screen.
- Select Curse King (Suppressed): Find and click on Sukuna’s suppressed form in your unit list.
- Evolve: If you have the required 12 Cursed Fingers, an ‘Evolve’ button will appear. Click it to transform Sukuna into his evolved form, Curse King, boasting significantly improved stats.
Evolving Sukuna increased his abilities, making him an even greater asset to your team in Anime Last Stand!