Sorcery is a Roblox experience inspired by the popular anime and manga Jujutsu Kaisen, which immerses players in a mystical world where they embark on a journey to acquire powerful Cursed Techniques and more. However, before you can acquire and harness these techniques, you must first enter the Dream World. One of the most effective ways to access the Dream World is by obtaining Sleeping Pills. But how exactly can you get your hands on this item in Sorcery?
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Roblox Sorcery Sleeping Pills Guide – How to Get Them
Completing various Sorcery missions is the only way to acquire Sleeping Pills in Sorcery. As far as I’m aware, Sleeping Pills cannot be purchased from NPCs or shops. Instead, your best and only chance of obtaining them is through mission rewards. As you progress through these missions, which range from defeating enemies to rescuing hostages, which in my experience is one of the easiest missions, you might find yourself lucky enough to receive Sleeping Pills as a Sorcery mission reward. Keep in mind that the rewards are random, so patience is key; it may take some time to obtain Sleeping Pills.
Completing missions not only offers the possibility of earning Sleeping Pills, but it’s also an excellent way to level up your character. Plus, you’ll need to reach level 55 to unlock your first Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Technique. If you’re looking for a guide on how to get a Cursed Technique, we’ve got you covered here: How to Get a Cursed Technique in Sorcery.
Once you have a Sleeping Pill, simply equip it in your hand and use it as you would any other item. You’ll instantly be teleported to the Dream World. It’s obvious when you’re in the Dream World, as everything is snowy and covered in a blue mist.