The world of Anime Last Stand has just been transformed with an exciting new update inspired by the Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (TYBW) arc. This update brings a host of thrilling features, including new units, evolutions, currencies, and the highly sought-after Soul Society (Invaded) Portals. So you might be wondering: how do you obtain these Invasion Portals in ALS?
If you’re after some codes, head to our Anime Last Stand codes page and see what you can get! Why not check out our ALS guides on How to Get Cursed Essence, How to Get Anti-Magic Mask, and How to Get All Dio Diary Pages 1, 2, & 3 in Anime Last Stand?
Anime Last Stand Soul Society (Invaded) Portals Guide – How to Get
There are currently three ways to obtain Soul Society (Invaded) Portals in Anime Last Stand. You can either complete Soul Society Infinite Mode, finish a Soul Society (Invaded) Portal, or join a friend or another player to help them complete a Soul Society Portal.
First, you must complete all six Soul Society story acts to unlock Infinite Mode. Then, you need to keep grinding it repeatedly until you obtain a Tier 1 Soul Society (Invaded) Portal, but it is not guaranteed. The drop rate is uncertain; it could be 10% or 0.01%, similar to the Tokyo Incident Portals and Black Clover Portals.
After acquiring the Soul Society (Invaded) Portal, you can use it for a chance to obtain higher-tier portals or even lower-tier ones. However, getting a portal is not guaranteed unless you are using a Tier 1 Portal. For anything above Tier 1, there is a chance to get a portal as a drop, but again it’s not guaranteed.
The same applies when joining a friend’s Soul Society (Invaded) Portal. There’s a chance to get a portal, but the likelihood is lower when joining a portal instead of hosting.