New Yorker Crossword January 21 2025 Answers (1/21/25)

Here are all of the answers to today's New Yorker Crossword puzzle for January 21 2025 to help you finish it up!
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Our New Yorker Crossword January 21, 2025 answers guide should help you finish today’s crossword if you’ve found yourself stuck on a crossword clue.

The New Yorker Crossword January 21, 2025 Answers

If you need help solving the New Yorker Crossword on 1/21/25, we’ve listed all of the crossword clues below so you can find the answer(s) you need. You can search for the clue and then select the appropriate clue to get the answer. We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!

Looking for answers to another New Yorker Crossword puzzle? Check out our archive of New Yorker Crossword Answers.

# Clue
1A Richie’s mom, to the Fonz
5A Guardians’ clubs?
9A Onetime Swedish autos
14A “No way”
16A Irritate
17A Pasta shapes that look like a type of heater
18A Pizza-slice discard, for some
19A Highly skilled
20A Sources of extra sleeping capacity
22A Source of extra sleeping capacity
24A Pro-___ (certain tourneys)
25A Skiing category
28A Hard work
31A French center of silk production
32A Pole on a ship
35A Cusp
36A Spot for a friendly punch
37A Deep affection, so to speak
39A “Barefoot Contessa” chef Garten
40A Physicist Bohr
42A Behind, to the British
43A ___ instant (quickly)
44A NASA, e.g.
46A Supporters of the arts?
48A Industrial tank
49A States categorically
52A Slushy forecast
54A Comedian Minhaj who hosted “Patriot Act”
58A French parting word
59A Beau
61A Mascara ruiners
62A Tex-Mex dish often topped with ground beef
63A Audra McDonald has won six of them
64A Big successes
65A LAX listings
1D Gore Vidal’s “___ Breckinridge”
2D Finish someone else’s sentences?
3D “Smooth Operator” singer
4D Contributes a few bucks, say
5D Commit to the ___ (see a joke through)
6D Ancient Greek marketplace
7D Pulse
8D Difficult shoes to wear on sand
9D Pet-adoption org.
10D Broadcasting unit?
11D Gemstone whose name comes from the Latin for “seawater”
12D Ring that indicates someone’s already engaged?
13D Complete groups
15D Snitch out
21D Romance spanning multiple time zones, say: Abbr.
23D U.S. disaster-relief org.
25D Haim who starred in “Licorice Pizza”
26D Low-effort upload on a musician’s YouTube channel
27D Dog breed named for a historical region on the Baltic Sea
29D St. crosser
30D Relies (on)
33D Economist who coined the phrase “invisible hand”
34D Camera type, briefly
37D Web portal whose search engine was a predecessor of Bing
38D Change course
41D Admission system for some high schools
43D Actress who played President Barbie in “Barbie”
45D “Wahoo!”
47D Comrade of Porthos and Aramis
50D Red Sea peninsula
51D Spot-on
52D Unit of power
53D “Supervixens” director Meyer
55D First of four words in a Samin Nosrat cookbook title
56D Not too much
57D Some sidewalk greetings
60D Jan. and Dec., for two

If you’ve enjoyed this crossword, consider playing one of the other popular crosswords we cover, including: New York Times Crossword (and Mini), Daily Themed Crossword (and Mini), WSJ Crossword, and USA Today Crossword.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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