NYT Crossword February 5 2025 Answers (2/5/25)

We have all of the answers to the NYT Crossword puzzle for February 5 2025 to help you finish it up!
Featured Crossword Answer

Our NYT Crossword February 5, 2025 answers guide should help you finish today’s crossword if you’ve found yourself stuck on a crossword clue. The NYT Crossword is a daily puzzle that tests solvers’ knowledge and vocabulary. It’s one of the most popular crosswords in the world, known for its challenging clues and clever wordplay. The puzzle is published in the print edition of The New York Times and is also available online.

NYT Crossword February 5, 2025 Answers

If you need help solving the NYT Crossword on 2/5/25, we’ve listed all of the crossword clues below so you can find the answer(s) you need. You can search for the clue and then select the appropriate clue to get the answer. We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!

Looking for answers to another NYT Crossword puzzle? Check out our archive of NYT Crossword Answers. Our NYT Crossword Hints for February 5, 2025 are also available if you prefer not to be immediately spoiled.

# Clue
1A Distance traversed by an arrow
8A Cocksure
13A Not the same
14A "You got me there!"
15A Obstacle in achieving one's goal?
16A Something acquired in a salon bed, perhaps
17A Added fuel to
18A Opens, as a menu ... or a description of this puzzle's circled letters?
20A Bang the drum for
23A Iridescent stone
24A Cellular messenger
25A Verb often abbreviated to a letter
26A Oz., e.g.
28A Brief bit of time
30A Analytical thinker?
34A Old standard of tape
36A Doesn't really matter
40A Himalayan ox
41A Steamed beverage with spices from the Indian subcontinent
42A Up to now
44A One trained in CPR
45A Educational support grp.
46A Notes or Messages
49A Place for a cooling pie
51A Is out
54A Common assignment for editorial assistants ... or a description of this puzzle's circled letters?
57A Judger of pitches
58A Furry wetlands growth
59A Console device with triggers and thumbsticks
63A Summer hire, perhaps
64A Tennis period since 1968
65A Common reply to "Who's there?"
66A Appendage for a morning glory
1D Pardner
2D Four quarters
3D Starchy food item named for a food it resembles
4D Smooth and glossy
5D One who practices bhakti and puja
6D Gives the thumbs up
7D Up for a drive?
8D Climax in many a video game
9D Regretted
10D Hawke or Crowe
11D William ___, longtime editor of The New Yorker
12D Dye in some body art
14D Chopitos and croquetas, e.g.
16D Knock on the noggin
19D "Damn you!"
20D Soft rock
21D Vicinity
22D Trim (down)
27D Like the French words for every weekday and month: Abbr.
29D Kind of seed
31D Base for some lunches
32D Modern transport service
33D Linguist Chomsky
35D Fictional bandleader of the 1960s
37D Good things to have about you
38D URL starter
39D Oolong and rooibos, for two
43D Easy basket
46D Character set for electronic communication
47D Audience member who might be in on the trick
48D Gentle strokes
50D Qualifier for many a rapper
52D Measure of brightness
53D Fix, as text
55D Academic acronym
56D Showbiz quartet
60D Central figure in a classic sci-fi series
61D Filmmaker Aster
62D Indian lentil dish

We also recommend trying your hand at the NYT Mini Crossword, which is definitely easier (on all days!) as it is a 5×5, compared to the full-sized crossword (which is 15×15, and the Sunday edition is 21×21!). New crosswords are released at 10PM ET on weekdays and 6PM ET on weekends.

The New York Times crossword was first published in The New York Times in 1942 and has been a daily feature ever since. It is known for its high level of difficulty and for its clever, often playful, clues and themes. The puzzles range in size from 15x15 grids on weekdays to larger 21x21 grids on Sundays, with varying levels of difficulty.

Interior Nyt Crossword 002

The New York Times crossword is created by a team of skilled puzzle constructors and editors, who work to ensure that each puzzle is both entertaining and challenging for solvers. The puzzles are often themed, with clues and answers related to a particular subject or concept, and they frequently feature wordplay and puns.

NYT Crossword (Main Grid)
Image via NYT Crossword

Solving the New York Times crossword has become a beloved pastime for many, and there are even competitions and clubs devoted to crossword puzzle solving. The New York Times crossword is available in print in the newspaper and online, and it has a dedicated following of loyal solvers who eagerly await each day's puzzle.

If you’re still struggling to solve your NYT crosswords, consider practicing with the Eugene Sheffer and Thomas Joseph dailies first. If you’re looking for similarly challenging crosswords, we recommend the WSJ Crossword and LA Times Crossword.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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