We have the answer for obstinate 7 Little Words if this one has you stumped! 7 Little Words is a daily puzzle game that along with a standard puzzle also has bonus puzzles. It is a fun game to play that doesn’t take up too much of your time. There are seven clues provided, where the clue describes a word, and then there are 20 different partial words (two to three letters) that can be joined together to create the answers.
Don’t be embarrassed if you’re struggling on a 7 Little Words clue! The more you play, the more experience you’ll get playing the game and get better at figuring out clues without any assistance.
obstinate 7 Little Words Answer
If you’ve been trying to put together words and are coming up empty for the 7 Little Words obstinate in today’s puzzle, here is the answer! Find all the solutions for the puzzle on our 7 Little Words November 25 2022 Answers guide.
- UNWILLING (9 letters)
Occasionally, some clues may be used more than once, so check for the letter length if there are multiple answers above as that’s usually how they’re distinguished or else by what letters are available in today’s puzzle.
Clue & Answer Definitions
- UNWILLING (adjective)
- in spite of contrary volition
- not disposed or inclined toward
- OBSTINATE (adjective)
- stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
- resistant to guidance or discipline
- OBSTINATE (verb)
- persist stubbornly
Related 7 Little Words Answers
Clue |
low fellow |
state of running for office |
sign up |
silly behaviour |
music radio station |
disposed to do evil |
in the wrong role |
overindulges |
secretary’s skill |
obstinate |
We hope this helped you to finish today’s 7 Little Words puzzle. You can find all of the answers for each day’s set of clues in the 7 Little Words section of our website.