Crosswords can be an excellent way to stimulate your brain, pass the time, and challenge yourself all at once. Of course, sometimes the crossword clue totally stumps us, whether it’s because we are unfamiliar with the subject matter entirely or we just are drawing a blank. We have the answers for Repeated Sound That’s Hard to Get Rid of crossword clue if you need some help!
Repeated Sound That’s Hard to Get Rid of Crossword Clue Answers
A clue can have multiple answers, and we have provided all answers that we’re aware of Repeated Sound That’s Hard to Get Rid of, which is referring to a sound that is naturally repetitive but also something that is hard to get rid of, which may mean it is hard to stop or hard to find to stop.
- HIC (3 letters)
- TAP (3 letters)
- ECHO (4 letters)
- DRIP (4 letters)
- TICK (4 letters)
- TICKING (7letters)
Tip: You’ll want to cross-reference the length of the answers below with the required length in the crossword puzzle you are working on for the correct answer.
Keep in mind, crossword clues are often reused by different crossword puzzle publishers (like New York Times, LA Times, Sheffer, and so forth), which is why one clue can often have more than one possible answer. This is also indicative of fulfilling different length requirements, which is why it’s important to pay attention to letter-length for your solution. We hope these answers have helped you solve the crossword puzzle you’ve been working on today!
What are hiccups?
They are involuntary diaphragm spasms that are usually short-lived and do not indicate anything dangerous. Hiccups might have a variety of causes that aren’t related to a condition. Drinking and eating too quickly, carbonated beverages, alcohol, smoking, and chewing gum are all examples.
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Crossword Puzzle Tips
If you find that you’ve been struggling while solving your crosswords, we have some tips that might make it a little easier to get better and better at solving your favorite crossword.
- Go through each clue, one by one, as a first pass: It is efficient to try to answer each clue methodically and moving on quickly if you aren’t sure of an answer, that way you can start filling in the puzzle and not let yourself get stumped too early on.
- Look for easier clues, like fill in the blanks: these are often the easiest types of clues to answer.
- Look for a puzzle’s theme: many puzzles will have a theme, and if you are aware of it, you can try to think of answers that would fit the theme when there are multiple answer options.
- Improve your general knowledge banks: many crosswords require knowledge of capital cities, famous artists, biblical references, and roman numerals.
Understanding Crossword Clues
There are some commonly used notations that should give you an idea of how to answer the clue, such as:
- Abbreviations: abbreviations can be popular abbreviations (like USA) or might be dropping unnecessary letters (like NMNE for anemone).
- Plural or singular: if the clue has the plural form, you’ll want your answer to also be the plural form.
- Question marks: the answer is not what it might seem initially, typically refers to wordplay, homonyms, and puns
- Tenses: if the clue is in the past tense, then you’ll want your answer to also be in the past tense.
Practice makes perfect, so don’t give up or be afraid to look up some of the crossword clues for a hint or an answer so that you can keep going and finish the puzzle. The more you apply yourself, the more general knowledge you will glean and have stored in your brain that will make you better prepared for the next crossword puzzle you attempt!
There are many publishers that release a new crossword puzzle each day, such as: Eugene Sheffer, LA Times Daily, New York Times Mini, Newsday, Thomas Joseph, and the Washington Post. We recommend the Eugene Sheffer and Thomas Joseph for beginners. Good luck!