7 Little Words February 2 2023 Answers (2/2/23)

We have the full list of answers to today's 7 Little Words' Daily Puzzle!
Featured 7 Little Words Answer 2

7 Little Words is a take on crosswords by providing clues, but instead of having to think of the answer totally on your own, it utilizes groups of letters that have to be combined to create the solutions. You can only use each block of letters once per puzzle. Each day, 7 Little Words releases a daily puzzle along with four bonus puzzles (in-app only). This post includes the seven answers for the February 2 2023 puzzle and four bonus puzzles.

7 Little Words Solution Guide

We have all of the information you need on what the answers were for the most recent daily 7 Little Words puzzle, along with the four 7 Little Words Bonus Puzzles. Click/tap on the appropriate clue to get the answer. (We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!)


7 Little Words Daily Puzzle Answers

Here are the seven answers for the daily puzzle. Click/tap on a clue below to reveal the answer.

On NASDAQ it’s known as WOOF
Putting under the microscope
Late comedian & TV host Bob
Large rock north of Morocco
Request for response
Things unknown

7 Little Words Daily Bonus 1 Answers

The answers for Little Words Daily Bonus 1 puzzles are below. Click/tap on a clue below to reveal the answer.

Titles on a page
Makes oneself heard maybe
Extra period
Skype technology
Verb for a bee
Feeling of ill will

7 Little Words Daily Bonus 2 Answers

The answers for the 7 Little Words Daily Bonus 2 puzzles are below. Click/tap on a clue below to reveal the answer.

Not yet on the grill
Exterminator’s victim
Pulled an ugly twisted face
Ran amok through
Rowed a boat
Hotel luggage carriers

7 Little Words Daily Bonus 3 Answers

The answers for the 7 Little Words Daily Bonus 3 puzzles are below. Click/tap on a clue below to reveal the answer.

Student of gorges and cays
It takes a toll
Leave of absence
Wright brothers’ creation
Prosecutor’s target
Music industry magazine
Giza citizens

7 Little Words Daily Bonus 4 Answers

The answers for the 7 Little Words Daily Bonus 4 puzzles are below. Click/tap on a clue below to reveal the answer.

With legs either side of
It may count on homework
Gave a makeover to
Home of ring-tailed lemur
Sloppy and sticky
Group of bones in the foot

That wraps up the answer’s for this day’s 7 Little Word puzzles! If you’re looking for another date, you can check out our archive of 7 Little Words Answers that updates daily.

7 Little Words: Helpful Tips

Read through all of the clues until you reach one that you feel like you really know the answer to, and then start looking to see if the first part of the answer exists in the letters provided. Then, you can start working through the next clue and so on.

When you get stuck, opt for working on clues with a shorter answer (e.g. 6 letters in length, typically 2 words together), and try taking the first set of possible answer letters and then adding the remaining choices, one by one, until you feel like you’ve found something that clicks in your brain as a possibility. There’s no harm in guessing, since the game is not timed and there is no penalty for guessing wrong.

Look for common prefixes and suffixes when you are working on finding an answer for a longer answer (like 9 letters). These can include prefixes like: co, com, con, re, pre, and suffixes like: tion, ity, er, ism, ant, age. There are also more typical word endings like -ed, -er, -ly, and -ing.

Pay attention to the tense of the clue along with whether it is looking for a pluralized form of the answer, as this can help you narrow down word ending choices (so you can look for one that ends in a D for past tense, for example).

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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