When you advance through the story acts of Anime Vanguards, you’ll encounter challenging bosses. Without knowing how to defeat them, you might get stuck. One of these bosses is the God Statue found in Double Dungeon, called “Double Dungeon Disaster.” Here’s what you need to do to defeat it in Anime Vanguards.
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How to Defeat the God Statue in Anime Vanguards
To defeat the God Statue in Anime Vanguards, you need to do something a bit out of the ordinary. The God Statue is invulnerable to all forms of damage until you defeat the four other statues around the arena. These statues that need to be destroyed are marked by a Red Skull.
To destroy these statues, you must place units next to each statue and wait until all four are defeated before you can inflict damage on the God Statue. You’ll notice that on the purple health bar of the God Statue, it reads: 10,894 | 4/4. This 4/4 indicates the four statues that must be destroyed.
Upon doing so, a new red health bar will replace the purple one, and the God Statue will now have 28,510 HP. You need to deplete this health bar to defeat the God Statue boss in Anime Vanguards.
Fortunately, these four statues will not attack your units or debuff them at all. They are simply an obstacle that needs to be removed, causing a time delay as the God Statue creeps closer to your base.