Roblox Blox Fruits will have you deciding whether or not you want to be a swashbuckling pirate or an honor bound marine. Whatever choice you make will have you fighting against enemies to level up your character. You will be able to find fruits that will give you special powers and abilities. The rarest of them could make you one of the most powerful players in the game! Fight in epic battles across the seas and explore new lands!
If you’re looking for some freebies then you can find them with our Blox Fruits codes list. If you aren’t sure how to redeem codes in Blox Fruits, you can find out how below the codes list! Make sure to favorite this page by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard or use the Add to Bookmark button on mobile.
All Blox Fruits Codes
- ADMINFIGHT – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost (NEW)
- BANEXPLOIT – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- NOMOREHACK – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- WildDares – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- BossBuild – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- GetPranked – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- EARN_FRUITS – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- FIGHT4FRUIT – Redeem code for 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- NOEXPLOITER– Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- NOOB2ADMIN – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- CODESLIDE – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- TRIPLEABUSE – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- SEATROLLING – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- 24NOADMIN – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- REWARDFUN – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- NEWTROLL – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- KITT_RESET – Redeem code for a Stat Rest
- Sub2CaptainMaui – Redeem code for 2x XP
- KittGaming – Redeem code for 2x XP
- Enyu_is_Pro – Redeem code for 2x XP
- Sub2Fer999 – Redeem code for 2x XP
- Bluxxy – Redeem code for 2x XP
- Magicbus – Redeem code for 2x XP
- Starcodeheo – Redeem code for 2x XP
- fudd10_v2 – Redeem code for $2 Beli
- SUB2GAMERROBOT_RESET1 – Redeem code to reset your stats
- SUB2GAMERROBOT_EXP1 – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- Sub2OfficialNoobie – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- FUDD10 – Redeem code for $1 Beli
- BIGNEWS – Redeem code for an In-Game Title
- THEGREATACE – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- SUB2NOOBMASTER123 – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- SUB2UNCLEKIZARU – Redeem code to reset your stats
- Sub2Daigrock – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- Axiore – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- TantaiGaming – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- STRAWHATMAINE – Redeem code for 2x Experience
Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page.
Expired Blox Fruits Codes
- ADMINHACKED – Redeem code for a Stat Rest (Expires June 3rd, 2024)
- ADMINDARES – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost (Expires 28th May 2024)
- fruitconcepts – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost (Expires 1 June 2024)
- SECRET_ADMIN – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- ADMIN_TROLL – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- JCWK – Redeem code for 2x XP
- youtuber_shipbattle – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- STAFFBATTLE – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- ADMIN_STRENGTH – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- DRAGONABUSE – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- JULYUPDATE_RESET – Redeem code for a Stat Reset
- NOOB2PRO – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- CINCODEMAYO_BOOST – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- CODE_SERVICIO – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- 15B_BESTBROTHERS – Redeem code for a 60 minute 2x XP Boost
- DEVSCOOKING – Redeem code for a 20 minute 2x XP Boost
- NOOB_REFUND – Redeem code to reset your stats
- TY_FOR_WATCHING – Redeem code for a 2x EXP Boost for 20 Minutes
- GAMER_ROBOT_1M – Redeem code for a 2x EXP Boost that lasts 1.5 hours
- ADMINGIVEAWAY – Redeem code 2x EXP boost for 20 minutes
- SUBGAMERROBOT_RESET – Redeem code for a free start reset
- GAMERROBOT_YT – Redeem code 2x EXP boost for 20 minutes
- EXP_5B – Redeem code for 2x XP
- RESET_5B – Redeem code to reset your stats
- 3BVISITS – Redeem code for 30 minutes of 2X XP
- UPD16 – Redeem code for 20 minutes of 2x XP (Update 16)
- 1MLIKES_RESET – Redeem code for Stat Points Reset (Update 16)
- 2BILLION – Redeem code for 20 minutes of 2x XP (Update 15)
- THIRDSEA – Redeem code to reset your stats
- UPD15 – Redeem code for 20 minutes of 2x XP
- UPD14 – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- ShutDownFix2 – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- 1BILLION – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- XMASEXP – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- XMASRESET – Redeem code to reset your stats
- UPDATE11 – Redeem code for 2x Experience
- POINTSRESET – Redeem code to reset your stats
- UPDATE10 – Redeem code to reset your stats
- CONTROL – Redeem code for 2x Experience
Blox Fruits FAQ
How do I use codes in Blox Fruits?
To redeem codes in Blox Fruits, you will need to pick if you want to be a Pirate or Marine. Once your choice is made, look to the side of the screen for the small little blue Twitter button. Tap on that to open up the code redemption area. Copy one of the codes from our list exactly as it is shown and paste it into the box. Click on the try button and you should receive your reward!

Where do I get more Blox Fruits codes?
You can follow Blox Fruits official Twitter and YouTube to learn more about codes and future updates. Codes come out pretty rarely, so don’t get your hopes up! We’ll be updating this page as soon as any are released.
What are Blox Fruits Codes?
When it comes to codes and games like Blox Fruits, you will find that they generally give you free rewards that give you the ability to make more progress in the experience. These almost always can only be used once, so make sure to only redeem them if you’re ready to make the most of them. You will also want to use them quickly, as they can expire!

Game Description
Welcome to the world of Roblox Blox Fruits, where you can become a master swordsman or a powerful blox fruit user! In this game, you will train to become the strongest player to ever live. You will have the option to fight against tough enemies or have powerful boss battles while sailing across the ocean to find hidden secrets. The game offers many exciting features and challenges for players to enjoy.
One of the most important features in Blox Fruits is the spawning and buying of fruits. Fruits spawn once every hour and despawn after 20 minutes. If you miss a fruit spawn, don’t worry! You can also buy fruits from the Blox Fruits Dealer. He restocks random fruits every 4 hours, and every server will have the same fruits for sale. The number of skills a fruit has and mastery necessary to use them depends on their rarity, ranging from 2 to 4 skills.
Boss battles are another exciting feature of Blox Fruits. Bosses can drop special items such as accessories or swords. Accessories are rare items that can boost your stats, giving you an advantage over your opponents. Mastery is also important in Blox Fruits, as it boosts your stats by 1 point every 3 levels and unlocks new skills. You can gain mastery by finishing off enemies with the weapon you want to level up.
One of the unique things about mastery in Blox Fruits is that it doesn’t reset when you switch out items. If you acquire a new item, it will start at 1 mastery, but if you decide to switch back to your previous item, the mastery you had on that item will return. This allows players to switch between items without losing progress on their mastery.
Those are all of the codes we currently have listed for Roblox Blox Fruits. If you see one that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments so we can add it right away!
so good for people to use in blox friut.
the codes are halarios especially the fudd_10
Also pls add A dark blade code (I really need it for grinding)
Sadly Blox Fruits will never allow that to happen, since all codes have either been EXP or Beli.
I am pretty sure the code NOEXPLOIT is spost to be NOEXPLOITER. (Correct me if I am wrong.)
According to the YouTube video it’s NOEXPLOIT, but I just tried it on a new account and it didn’t work, but NOEXPLOITER did. Thanks for letting us know!
good codes for leveling up I’m now level1,742
I love Blox Fruits , I cant believe Rip_Indra , Uzoth and Zioles made this magnificent game that is so fun.
First sea pretty much boring but it has Greybeard! Thats pretty fire. For 2nd sea you can do fruits awakening like Buddha , Dough , Quake , Spider ,Flame ,Ice , Light , Rumble , Dark , Magma , Pheonix and Sand . Then there is a sea event where Sea Beast spawns every 15min for each server . You can also get race awakening like Shark , Rabbit , Ghoul , Cyborg , Angel ,Human but only v2 and v3. For 3rd sea you also can do race awakening but for v4 and you also can do raid at castle on the sea . There is a fruit remover NPC on top of the castle and you can spawn Rip_Indra under the fruit remover and there is the Plokster that trade 2500 fragment for stats refund . 3rd sea has one of the best sea event such as the Leviathan hunting and the Terrorshark hunt . Then sometimes 3 sea beast spawns at the same time same place so it will be hard to defeat them . Godhuman , Sanguine art , Dragon Talon , Electric claw are the fighting styles that are very OP and can only be obtained in 3rd sea . That is why I love playing Blox Fruits even though Its a bit grindy as the max level is 2550 but I will still try my best to get to max .
i’m now lvl 1724 that’s low i need more codes
Its not low
Level 700 is low
delete SECRET_ADMIN code. It’s expired
Thanks for letting us know. Updated!
Please bring new codes
I’m not an admin of Blox Fruits, I have no control over when codes are released.I just find new codes 🙂
wow you guys are the best thanks so much
No problem!
JCWK has expired remove pls
I checked and it is expired =( Thank you for letting us know, I’ve removed it =)
the code ADMIN_TROLL has expired
Removed, thanks!
Thank You very much I use buddha v2 and I got the reset stats…
hello this game is supper fun u plau and LOTS LOTS OF fun but i think tradeing needs to be in first sea not just 2d people need fruits
i am lvl 807 is beaucause i have remdemn all the codes thnks for this is very good and my fruit is lvl 200 thanks
im needing my level so slow me lvl. 256 pls gimme dark blade (or gift) sauge savage ur an admin plsssss
I’m admin of this site, not of Blox Fruits.
Block fruits xd
Good catch, I corrected my error.
new code named “Sub2CaptainMaui”
Added that now, thanks.
I love you shadow fruit
Bigyan moko ng fruit na portal and leopard at dough permanently
please release more and new codes
I used all the codes and it was the best I got so high level and now my level is 914
nice im still 224
still lvl 57 ._.
I’m 2450 lvls lol
2160 but i got all swords (minus p2w and admin and chandler exclusive)
pls may we get mor bloxfruits codes
Hey can you add more reset fund states
you neeed to ask the roblox devs for that
bro im trying to find 2x mastery but nah im get over 2 hours of exp
Thanks for letting me know the code
Pls 1 more 2x xp
i just want to level up in blox fruit
Please one more 2xp code
dude and bomb n spike are not cheap like spin and kilo are now the new bomb and spike
lol like everything is so different now (ther was no cidd in blox fruit history that gave a fruit)
plz more codes
thank you
No problem!
There’s the new fruit shadow I have it equipped.
nice i have rubber i am trying to get 125 mastery on it
There’s a new code, its fudd10_v2
Thanks, I’ve added this very useful code to the list.
That’s just double than the v1
Thats alot of xp if i was level one i will be 543 ngl
code x2 EXP,please
Double XB
much exp boost
pls code for df
There are not df codes
plss 1 more code reset stats
yes that what i need 1 more!
I’m from morocco
That’s my roblox name
I already used up all my codes what do I do
what do i do ?
You wait for new codes.
When u reset your stats your stats points all return?
Bro give me new code RESET stat
yes they do