In Slap Battles, a Roblox game, players engage in chaotic slap fights using different gloves that possess unique abilities, including passive and activated effects. If you’re struggling to acquire the Recall Glove and Repressed Memories Badge, this is the right place to seek assistance!
How to get the Recall Glove
To get the Recall Glove in Slap Battles, you and another player need to equip the Reverse Glove (5,500 Slaps) and enter into a Normal Arena. Use the Reverse Glove ability and then slap each other. There’s a chance that you will be teleported to a temple.
Some things you might want to note before you go to the temple:
- Your current Slap count (Found in Leaderboard)
- Amount of players in the server (Found in Leaderboard)
- Color of your chat text (Type into chat)
Once you are at the temple, talk to the NPC that looks exactly like your character. Once you go through some prompts, they will ask you some questions that you will need to answer accurately.
The questions might not be in this order, it appears to be somewhat random!
How old is your account in days?
To find this out, you will need to first head to your profile on your device. Look for the Join Date section in the About Us, which will tell you when you first registered to Roblox. Now, go to Google and type in the following: “how many days has it been since YOUR JOIN DATE”. Make sure you put in YOUR join date and not mine. Once you enter that into the search, you should get the number of days listed at the top.
What is the chance of getting bob from replica?
What glove can’t you hit when it isn’t there?
Did you forget that you repressed your memories?
What glove has exactly 9750 slap requirements to unlock?
How many players were present in this server when you were sent here?
Select the correct number based on the options. You can count them in the leaderboard prior to receiving this question.
How many slaps do you have?
Select the correct number based on the options. This number is visible in the leaderboard prior to receiving this question.
If 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, what does 6=?
When was Slap Battles first published to Roblox?
Whom ultimately controls this realm?
How many gloves stands are in Slap Battles right now?
What is the badge name for the Glitch glove?
01010010 01010101 01001110
Do you know who I am?
A forgotten memory
We’ll play simon says at the end. Do you understand?
What colour is your name in the Roblox chat?
The options for this choice are the following:
- Bright violet (Purple)
- Persimmon (Reddish-orange)
- Dark Green
- Bright Orange
Simon Says Riddle me this and speak it out. What was four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?
Type “Glove” into chat.
Simon Says Riddle me this and speak it out. What has a bottom at the top?
Type “A leg” into chat.
Simon Says jump off the map to collect your reward
Jump off the map as long as it said simon says.
Simons Says if the reward is what you seek, you must dance on top of the LEFT OR RIGHT staircase crystal
Go to whichever staircase crystal the NPC tells you to (when facing the stairs while standing at the top), jump onto the crystal, and type “/e dance” into chat without the quotes.
Simon Says if the reward is what you seek, you must dance ontop of the entity
Stand on the crystal above the NPC and type in “/e dance” on top of it.
You can check out the Recall Glove in action in the following video.
More Glove Guides
If you want to get some more gloves, we’ve got a bunch of guides that will help you obtain them!
- How To Get the Santa Glove [Epic Christmas Swag Points Accumulator Badge]
- How To Get the Blackhole Glove
- How To Get the Scythe Glove [The Farmland Fray Badge]
- How To Get the Jester Glove
- How To Get the Titan Glove
- How To Get the Oven Glove
- How To Get the Druid Glove
- How To Get the Parry Glove
- How To Get the Alchemist Glove
- How to get Dual Glove
We hope this guide helped you on how to get the Recall Glove and Repressed Memories Badge in the game. For more great content, head over ot the Slap Battles section of our website.
my chat color is red something and not orange and i dont know it but its not any of the colors you said
Sounds like it would be Persimmon?
OK so the one where it says ”dance on top of the entity” it means to dance on the crystal above the npc
Added that now, thanks!
Hey, while getting the glove, I received a Simon says question that wasn’t on here. It said: Simon says type into the chat the answer: I what has a bottom at the top? Answer= A leg (make sure the A is capitalized!)
Added that now, thanks.
There was a simon says question that asked me to “dance on top of the entity ”
wha did it mean
I think it means dance on top of the NPC, but I haven’t been able to confirm this one.
So i finished te questions and it said walk through the portal but i died and didnt ger the badge
Well, that sucks
Well its really simple, it didnt say simon says.
I did it and he never said anything about simon says, but at the end he just said walk through the portal