The Sasuke update is now available for Anime Spirits, which introduces Sasuke’s Sword from the renowned anime and manga Naruto. To acquire the sword, players must first conquer the new Sasooke boss, and it can also be made even more powerful by awakening it! Here’s a guide on how to get Sasuke’s Sword in Anime Spirits.
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Anime Spirits Sasuke’s Sword Guide
Sasuke Sword, also known as the Sasooke Sword in Anime Spirits, can be obtained as a rare drop from the recently added Sasooke boss. However, obtaining the sword can be challenging since it has a mere 1% drop rate.
To acquire it, you must visit the Hidden Village [LVL150] in the First Sea and challenge Sasooke in the Sasooke Dungeon. This can be found right off the Hidden Village entrance.
You need to keep defeating Sasooke multiple times to obtain the sword, as the drop rate is low. I suggest teaming up with other players to speed up the battle, which will make the farming process much less tedious.
When farming for the 1% Sword drop from Sasooke, take the opportunity to gather 10 Sasooke Shards, which have a 10% drop chance. These shards are essential for upgrading Sasuke’s Sword, boosting its power. Once you’ve collected everything, approach the Sasooke Sword Awakener near the entrance of the Sasooke Dungeon, and he’ll utilize the shards to upgrade the Sasooke Sword to V2!