Roblox Find the Markers is a game that challenges you to… quite frankly find the markers. There are a bunch of them scattered around various maps, and while that seems simple enough, they can be quite difficult to find at times. The Cobblestone Marker is simple to collect, but you will need to know where to go to find it! We’ll supply you with the knowledge you need to obtain it in this guide.
How to get the Cobblestone Marker
To find the Cobblestone Marker in Find the Markers, you need to head into the Washable Kingdom which can be entered into by climbing the clocktower in the spawn area. Once you arrive, head behind the castle to locate a small ledge. Carefully walk down the ledge and you will find a secret passage that leads to the Cobblestone Marker!
The clocktower can be pretty easily spotted in the area where you arrive when you enter the game. Head to the back of it so you can climb up the barely visible ladder. Walk to the front and then climb up that barely visible ladder into the clock face which will teleport you to the Washable Kingdom.
If you’re facing the castle, go to the right side of it and head to the back. You should see a ledge that you can walk out onto that angles downward.
Crawl your way to the end of the ledge and walk forward into the hidden passage. Once you do, you will find the Cobblestone Marker.
That’s everything you need to know about getting the Cobblestone Marker in Roblox Find the Markers! You can find a bunch of great content for the platform in the Roblox section of our website. We’ve also got guides for figuring out the microwave code and unlocking the potion marker.