Missing Letter Crossword November 27 2024 Answers (11/27/24)

Here are all of the answers to today's Missing Letter Crossword puzzle for November 27 2024 to help you finish it up!
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Our Missing Letter Crossword November 27, 2024 answers guide should help you finish today’s crossword if you’ve found yourself stuck on a crossword clue.

The Missing Letter Crossword November 27, 2024 Answers

If you need help solving the Missing Letter Crossword on 11/27/24, we’ve listed all of the crossword clues below so you can find the answer(s) you need. You can search for the clue and then select the appropriate clue to get the answer. We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!

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# Clue
1A INTERJECTION: "used to express...disbelief"
6A YouTube offering, briefly
9A NOUN: "an African ungulate mammal...that is closely related to the giraffe"
10A Vowels before a dollar amount
11A NOUN: "a percussion instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars"
13A Barking mammal
14A NOUN: "something said or done to provoke laughter"
17A NOUN: "a continuous often plied strand composed of either natural or man-made fibers or filaments"
20A Tuna used in sushi bars
21A NOUN: "a collarless short-sleeved or sleeveless usually cotton undershirt"
22A NOUN: "a place where coins, medals, or tokens are made"
24A Weight
25A NOUN: "the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system"
27A ADJECTIVE: "causing or tending to cause sleep"
32A NOUN: "a judge and priest of Israel"
33A NOUN: "any of a breed of large muscular dogs of Japanese origin"
34A ADJECTIVE: "having or showing qualities...such as meditative calmness and an attitude of acceptance"
35A NOUN: "the book composed of sacred writings accepted by Muslims as revelations made to Muḥammad by Allah through the angel Gabriel"
1D Viral disease
2D Hawk's hangout
3D "Shallow ___" (2001 Jack Black/Gwyneth Paltrow comedy)
4D Strike ___ (make the photographer happy)
5D VERB: "to clean or dry by rubbing"
6D VERB: "break; disregard"
7D Charged particle
8D ADJECTIVE: "owed or owing as a natural or moral right"
12D Bale stuff
14D Improvise with a group of musicians
15D "___ get it now!"
16D NOUN: "the chief person in a group or undertaking"
18D NOUN: "a sports official usually having final authority in administering a game"
19D NOUN: "a device for catching fish, birds, or insects"
23D Harmony with the natural order of the universe
24D NOUN: "an unrhymed verse form...having in English three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively"
26D GEOGRAPHICAL NAME: "country in southwestern Asia in Mesopotamia"
27D "___ who?"
28D "Bravissima!"
29D NOUN: "any of a genus (Abies) of north temperate evergreen trees"
30D "Give ___ rest!"
31D VERB: "be physically or mentally able to"

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Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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