The BedWars 5v5s update has been released on January 20th, 2023! In this patch, you will find a wide-variety of changes and bug fixes have been added to the experience. These will hopefully help clear up any issues you may have had and allow you to find some new stuff to do in the game.
Check out our BedWars Commands List post to learn all of the commands available in the game! You can find all of the official patch notes from the Discord below.
5v5s Update
Builder Kit (UPDATED)
- Bridge Printer Block: Hit with your hammer to toggle a scaffold bridge!
Hang Glider (ITEM)
Hang Glider has been reintroduced to the item shop! It now comes with a large deployment bounce to get you to far places!
5v5 BedWars (GAMEMODE)
We’re running a limited time gamemode of 5v5 BedWars! We want to see if this mode would be good for Ranked Season 7. Let us know what you think.
Free Kits of the Week
- Lucía
- Conqueror
- Lassy
Balance Changes
- Blast Proof Ceramic
- Cost: 18 iron → 14 iron
- Conqueror
- Fire tier: 1 → 2
- Missing health healing per second: 8% → 12%
- Vulcan
- Bullet speed: 200 → 260
- Damage: 8 → 10
- Metal Detector
- Resource count scales from [30%, 230%] during first 10m of match
- Melody
- Guitar heal: 25 → 22
- Star Collector Stela
- Star spawn rate: -50%
- Dino Tamer Dom
- Dino cost: 32 iron → 64 iron
- Yuzi
- ???
Other Changes
- New Year’s Lucky Block will no longer spawn
- Winter event shop closed
Be sure to head over to the Roblox BedWars page to try out this new update! You can check out more information on a variety of different experience in the Roblox section of our website.