Stops (up) Crossword Clue

We have the answer for Stops (up) crossword clue last seen on the June 30, 2024 along with past answers if you’re having trouble filling in the grid! Crossword puzzles provide a mental workout that can help keep your brain active and engaged, which is especially important as you age. Regular mental stimulation has been shown to help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Now, let's get into the answer for Stops (up) crossword clue most recently seen in the Premier Sunday Crossword.

Stops (up) Crossword Clue Answer is…


This clue last appeared in the Premier Sunday Crossword on June 30, 2024. You can also find answers to past Premier Sunday Crosswords.

More Answers

This clue has been used by other publishers in the past, and they have had different answers when published, so the below list is a compilation of all known answers that have been used for this clue.

  • DAMS
    (4 letters)
    (5 letters)

Related Premier Sunday Crossword Answers

# Clue
21A Transition zone between biomes
35A Tries to swat with an open hand
57A Torrid
108A Worker’s pay
112A What you have to do before entering seven answers in this puzzle?
120A Actress Hedy
123A Long rants
38D Ulna's place
105D “Gunsmoke” actor James
110D Main ideas
Icon Premier Sunday Crossword

You can play the Premier Sunday Crossword by downloading its mobile app (Google Play/Apple App Store).

Clue & Answer Definitions

  • STOPS (noun)
    1. a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card

Historical Usage in Crossword Puzzles

That should be all the information you need to solve for the Stops (up) crossword clue answer to help you fill in more of the grid you’re working on! Be sure to check more Crossword Clues, Crossword Answers, and our other Word Game coverage.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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