Our The Guardian Quick Crossword January 20, 2025 answers guide should help you finish today’s crossword if you’ve found yourself stuck on a crossword clue.
The Guardian Quick Crossword January 20, 2025 Answers
If you need help solving The Guardian Quick Crossword on 1/20/25, we’ve listed all of the crossword clues below so you can find the answer(s) you need. You can search for the clue and then select the appropriate clue to get the answer. We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!
Looking for answers to another Guardian Quick Crossword puzzle? Check out our archive of The Guardian Quick Crossword Answers.
# | Clue |
1A | Wanton destruction |
8A | Approaches |
9A | Zizz zap (anag) – oomph |
10A | As bright as before |
11A | Parrot |
13A | Grieves (for) |
14A | Blunder (3-3) |
16A | Standard |
17A | Pertaining to the basic units of life |
19A | Poisonous plant (the scourge of farmyard birds?) |
20A | Hit it off – boarded |
21A | Medic |
1D | Clerical robe |
2D | Kid |
3D | Cutting tool |
4D | Tetchiness |
5D | Singing voice (5-7) |
6D | The attempt to prove one’s superiority or gain an advantage (3-9) |
7D | Dollar or euro, say |
12D | Yobbo |
15D | Sanaa resident, e.g. |
18D | Followers of a star |
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