Update 1 has been released in Weak Legacy, introducing dungeons, a new fighting style, new demon art, and more. This guide explains how to obtain Crystal Essence and how to utilize it.
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How to Get Crystal Essence in Weak Legacy 2 and What Does it Do?
There are two ways to get Crystal Essence in Weak Legacy 2 that I know of. The first way is by using Weak Legacy 2 codes, and the second way is by completing the new dungeons added in update 1.
When update 1 was released, the developers of Weak Legacy 2 issued a code to obtain 1 Crystal Essence. This might have been a one-time offer, or it could be a new feature where you can receive items by redeeming codes. We’ll have to wait until more codes get released, but you can find all Weak Legacy 2 Codes here.
In Weak Legacy 2, dungeons are a new feature that can be accessed by players who are level 250 or higher. Up to three people, including yourself and two other players, can enter a dungeon. Dungeons are located very close to the Starting Village. To find them, head straight from the front gate, and you’ll eventually come to a stone ramp leading to Little Village. At the top of the ramp, go left, and you’ll come across a white building with a green circle inside. This is the dungeon. You need to be level 250+ to enter.
Dungeons function as a horde mode, where waves of enemies will attack you. The difficulty of the enemies increases with each wave, and there are a total of 25 waves to overcome. It’s a very challenging experience, so make sure to be well-prepared. The more waves you complete, the better your rewards will be. One of the rewards for completing a dungeon is Crystal Essence, along with other valuable items.
What Does Crystal Essence Do?
Crystal Essence currently is only good for one thing: acquiring the new Ascetic Blaze Fighting Style. You can find our guide on the location of the Ascetic Blaze Trainer and their requirements here: Weak Legacy 2 Ascetic Blaze Trainer Location Guide