Adopt Me has finally given players the ability to play with more than one pet at a time! This is a really cool feature that many players have asked for. Unfortunately, there’s a sizable barrier to it, which we will detail below.
Don’t forget to check out our Adopt Me codes page to grab some awesome freebies. Also, check out our guides on how to get a golden bone, How To Play Obbies, and our Jobs Guide in Adopt Me!
How Do I Get A Second Pet Out In Adopt Me?
To play with more than one pet at the same time in Adopt Me, you need to subscribe to Pets Plus. This subscription offers several features, but the main one is the ability to have multiple pets. When you have a second pet, both pets will still have needs, but the second pet will have lower overall needs. This makes things easier, but it also means that the second pet won’t grow as fast.
Although this subscription may require a lot of Bucks, your daily earnings cap will increase, ensuring you have enough money each day to take care of your pets.
Currently, there is no other way to have a second pet simultaneously in Adopt Me. Additionally, Pets Plus membership offers cool perks like a free house, a Limo, an orange username, and a way to maintain your streaks. So if it’s worth it to you, we’d say go for it. Otherwise, having one pet is still fun.