NOUN: “a golf score of two strokes less than par on a hole” Crossword Clue

We have the answer for NOUN: "a golf score of two strokes less than par on a hole" crossword clue, last seen in the Missing Letter August 27, 2024 puzzle, if you need help figuring out the solution! Crossword puzzles provide a fun and engaging way to keep your brain active and healthy, while also helping you develop important skills and improving your overall well-being.

Now, let's get into the answer for NOUN: "a golf score of two strokes less than par on a hole" crossword clue most recently seen in the Missing Letter Crossword.

Crossword Answer:

→29. EAGLE

This clue last appeared in the Missing Letter Crossword on August 27, 2024. You can also find answers to past Missing Letter Crosswords.

Related Missing Letter Crossword Answers

# Clue
9A David who sang "Starman"
12A First of all
15A NOUN: "a soft food product prepared by treating soybean milk with coagulants"
24A VERB: "to present, advocate, or demand earnestly"
25A NOUN: "a markup language that is used to create documents on the World Wide Web incorporating text, graphics, sound, video, and hyperlinks"
35A Thesaurus entry (Abbr.)
3D Totally dominate
5D NOUN: "the time required for the apparent sun to return to an arbitrary fixed or moving reference point in the sky"
19D VERB: "to swing to and fro or up and down especially with quick jerky motions"
26D NOUN: "a disordered, untidy, offensive, or unpleasant state or condition"

Clue & Answer Definitions

  • SCORE (noun)
    1. a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages
    2. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation
  • SCORE (verb)
    1. gain points in a game
    2. assign a grade or rank to, according to one’s evaluation
  • NOUN (noun)
    1. a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action
    2. the word class that can serve as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or in apposition

Historical Usage in Crossword Puzzles

That should be all the information you need to solve for the NOUN: “a golf score of two strokes less than par on a hole” crossword clue answer to help you fill in more of the grid you’re working on! Be sure to check more Crossword Clues, Crossword Answers, and our other Word Game coverage.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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