WSJ Crossword February 6 2025 Answers (2/6/25)

Here are all of the answers to today's Wall Street Journal Crossword puzzle for February 6 2025 to help you finish it up!
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Our WSJ Crossword February 6, 2025 answers guide should help you finish today’s crossword if you’ve found yourself stuck on a crossword clue. The Wall Street Journal Crossword is a well-known and respected puzzle that appeals to solvers looking for a challenging and thought-provoking experience. The puzzles are created by a team of skilled constructors and are known for their clever clues, intricate wordplay, and challenging themes. The WSJ Crossword is published daily and offers solvers the opportunity to exercise their minds while enjoying a classic form of entertainment.

WSJ Crossword February 6, 2025 Answers

If you need help solving the WSJ Crossword on 2/6/25, we’ve listed all of the crossword clues below so you can find the answer(s) you need. You can search for the clue and then select the appropriate clue to get the answer. We have done it this way so that if you’re just looking for a handful of clues, you won’t spoil other ones you’re working on!

Looking for answers to another WSJ Crossword puzzle? Check out our archive of WSJ Crossword Answers.

# Clue
1A Chimney-roosting crows
5A Disheveled
11A Toward the tail
14A Where the Nowruz new year is celebrated
15A Time to start walking, perhaps
16A It may make you start
17A Fight fiercely
19A Code component
20A Neck adornment
21A Stands for a presentation
23A Wild
25A Gloomy atmosphere
26A Jude of “Cold Mountain”
28A It’s used for cutting blades
30A Miles off
34A Incense output
36A They may clash
37A Do some kitchen prep
38A Roll call response
39A Curve producers
41A Sign
42A Pierce portrayer
43A Blanchett of “The Aviator”
44A 1982 show that earned the Tony for Best Musical
45A Capone chaser
46A Key element in Greek tragedies
48A Scientific truth
49A Shimmering stone
51A Unsavory
53A Called
56A Keep time with, in a way
59A Brief topic
60A Giants linebacker in the Pro Football Hall of Fame
64A Greedy desire
65A Jack Sparrow, e.g.
66A Hookah’s kin
67A Victorious shout
68A Caught
69A Owner of the Depop secondhand fashion site
1D Nickel, e.g.
2D Washington Square Park landmark
3D Public argument
4D Plumber’s tool
5D Does something knotty
6D “This tastes awful!”
7D Start for cow, horse, dog or lion
8D Male delivery
9D Make precious
10D Parking permit, perhaps
11D Effective
12D Bay baby
13D Breakdown follow-ups
18D Skimmer’s kin
22D Carelessly apply
24D Sound
25D 100-céntimo currency
26D Lindsay of “Mean Girls”
27D “Easy on Me” singer
29D Made money from, as roulette
31D Alfred Hitchcock’s last movie
32D Container for matches
33D Freshen up
35D Good sense
40D Went for
46D Many an opening shot
47D Scottie in the 1940s White House
50D Cops’ quarries
52D Wishy-washy answer
53D Roll the dice, say
54D In fine fettle
55D Mail deliverers at Hogwarts
57D A bunch
58D Satyric celebration
61D Marksman’s org.
62D Jam component
63D Automne preceder

The WSJ Crossword is a daily crossword puzzle that is published in The Wall Street Journal newspaper and on its website. The puzzle is known for its challenging difficulty level, clever wordplay, and witty themes.

WSJ Crossword
Imaged via WSJ Crossword

The WSJ Crossword was first introduced in 2008, and has since become a popular source of entertainment and mental stimulation for crossword enthusiasts around the world. The puzzle is created by a team of experienced crossword constructors, who are known for their creativity and skill in the field of crossword puzzles.

WSJ Crossword
Image via Wall Street Journal

One of the unique features of the WSJ Crossword is its emphasis on finance and business-related themes. The puzzle often includes clues and answers related to the world of economics, investing, and business news.

If you’ve enjoyed this crossword, consider playing one of the other popular crosswords we cover, including: New York Times Crossword (and Mini), Daily Themed Crossword (and Mini), LA Times Crossword, and USA Today Crossword.

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke

Christine Mielke has been an avid fan of word games and puzzles for over two decades. She loves to unscramble words, challenge herself to crossword puzzles and try out the latest word games. As a published author and database architect, it was natural for her to take her love for all things word games to the next level!

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