Roblox Shindo Life has you living the life of an anime and ninja character in a brand new world. The game was previously known as Shinobi Life 2, but due to some copyright issues, things were changed and a brand new name was given to the game. If you’re looking to power up your character, then you will find all of the available Shindo Life codes in this post!
If you’re looking for free spins then you can find them with our Shindo Life codes list. We have a full roundup of all the newest, active, and working codes that have not yet expired. Not only can you get spins, but you can also get boosts that will gain you additional experience. If you aren’t sure how to redeem codes in Shindo Life, you can find out how below the codes list!
If you're looking for items, be sure to check out our Shindo Life Spawn Times post. We also have server codes for all of the maps: Blaze, Borumaki vs Kamaki, Dawn Hideout, Dunes, Ember, Espada, Forest of Embers, Great Narumaki Bridge, Haze, Jejunes, Mount Maki, New Ember, Nimbus, Obelisk, Ryuji Cave, Shikai Forest, Shindai Valley, Storm, Tempest, Training Fields, and Vinland.
Shindo Life Codes
We’ve got the newest working codes listed below for Roblox Shindo Life. These can be redeemed for free Spins, RELL Coins, and XP Boosts! Spins will allow you to get new Bloodlines that will increase your powers in the game. RELL Coins are used in the shop, which allows you to purchase items for your character. If you’re a little low on level, you can use the XP boost to speed up the leveling process! You will want to make sure to use these as soon as possible, because codes do expire after a period of time.
Make sure to use your spins if you are at or near 500 Spins! You can only have 500 Spins at a time, so you will waste any that go over 500 if you redeem a code!
Latest Codes
- RellCSparrowed! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- myNindonWay! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- TheGrinDisRELL2024! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- SkibidiAura! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- 2MuchpeekBr0ther! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- PeakSeasPeekSEES! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- IamAnimationer! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- noslackingnudpoo! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- Codes4Shindonians! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- ShindoniansBois! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th] (NEW)
- WowsoSkibidi! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- SkettySkillsMine! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- TimeFlyshuhAlmost5Years! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- devDevShowerDevdev! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- soundeffectsNOW! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- nobreaksherebruv3! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- SkibidiLife! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- ShindoISlife4lyfe! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- FixingGame238! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- BrainMassivemane! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- HowBigisMebrainfam! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- SeasBuilling! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- time2grindmates! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- FixGem238! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- SkibidSketty – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- 2024AugCodes! – RELL Coins + Spins [Expires October 11th]
- gr1ndGrindG! – RELL Coins + Spins
- OnlyWworking! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NinD0nMusicFire! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NindonIsPeak! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Nind0nWwWPeak! – RELL Coins + Spins
- R3LLbadmanmanW! – RELL Coins + Spins
- WorkDawgStopSlackng! – RELL Coins + Spins
- PaintinPro! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Nind2nWWPea! – RELL Coins + Spins
- R3LLradmaW! – RELL Coins + Spins
- SaveHairohGod! – RELL Coins + Spins
- JankSwanky! – RELL Coins + Spins
- HairySaviorB0B! – RELL Coins + Spins
- PeterPorker! – RELL Coins + Spins
- CrackAhSlapMan! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NoStallOnlyWork! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NinD0nTestingb4Seas! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ZbruushGr1nd! – RELL Coins + Spins
- WobawgdeSlackng! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLpeakgrind! – RELL Coins + Spins
- HazeNobuffs! – RELL Coins + Spins
- SandFlightNerfYes! – RELL Coins + Spins
- PokeshindoMon! – RELL Coins + Spins
- EmberKageisL! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLCSparrow! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ImADuneKun! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NimbusCarriedBySpecs! – RELL Coins + Spins
- GlazeRedSenko! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ObelisktakingLs! – RELL Coins + Spins
- OneTappedHimBeastBomb! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RayySpecCarried! – RELL Coins + Spins
- AidennGruntWork! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ImADuneKun! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLshindoLifeSeas! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Shindans! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ShindeBAWLs! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ShindemonZ! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ShindeBAWLs! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Shindans! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLNindoon! – RELL Coins + Spins
- GettingSlee3pAFK! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ShindonEmons! – RELL Coins + Spins
- ScaredOfNight! – RELL Coins + Spins
- HorseBoyBuff! – RELL Coins + Spins
- MyTreat4DokuB! – RELL Coins + Spins
- MandemMan4Seas! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NINd0nUpN3xT! – RELL Coins + Spins
- sk1llIzzuee! – RELL Coins + Spins
- FixYoSelfL0zr! – RELL Coins + Spins
- famskillinnitbruz! – RELL Coins + Spins
- sk1llIzzuee! – RELL Coins + Spins
- GUnChuckduck! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Nindonisk33L! – RELL Coins + Spins
- 100DayShindoUpdate! – RELL Coins + Spins
- MadMan100Days! – RELL Coins + Spins
- WatinDeWunk! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NindonisR33L! – RELL Coins + Spins
- thirdDayhuh! – RELL Coins + Spins
- 4YearsShindoDevelopment! – 50 Spins/ 5k RC
- AGameTheoristisGoat! – 100 Spins/10k RC
- RELL4NewYears! – 300 Spins/30k RC
- RELLsGivingCodes! – RELL Coins + Spins
- aRELLthanksGiving! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLThanksGivingL0L! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLCodeGivings! – 900 Spins and 60k RC
- RELLbeatdownBL! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLoraBLOODoraLine! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLbloodmanline2! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLkayg33! – RELL Coins + Spins
- BL0ODLINEofRELL! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RELLBLinesLOL! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RykanLandz! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Rykanfanbanz! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Rykanf4ns! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Rykansanm4n! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Rykandonoman! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RayDangone! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RaySmolman! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RayWHO0! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RayNaygan! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Raycest! – RELL Coins + Spins
- Racest! – RELL Coins + Spins
- edocoNLOL! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NoCodeBackwards! – RELL Coins + Spins
- CodeManCan! – RELL Coins + Spins
- CodeTanW4nPan! – RELL Coins + Spins
- CodeSamaLam4! – RELL Coins + Spins
- CodeSanLan! – RELL Coins + Spins
Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page.
Expired Codes
- borunarudog! – RELL Coins + Spins
- g00dboiman! – RELL Coins + Spins
- makivsmaki! – RELL Coins + Spins
- boruvkama! – 50k RC + Spins
- RELLSeasSneak! – RELL Coins + Spins
- mustyAk00m4! – 200 Spins
- berellmyboi! – RELL Coins + Spins
- RaidenSab! – 200k RC + 500 Spins
- RaidenGold! – 40k RC + 500 Spins
- happybdayaxzel! – RELL Coins + Spins
- m0reC0de3z! – RELL Coins + Spins
- deC8dezhere! – RELL Coins + Spins
- BigmanBoy0z! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NarudaUzabaki! – RELL Coins + Spins
- SessykeUkha! – RELL Coins + Spins
- donnDeAizen3! – RELL Coins + Spins
- sigmab8l3! – RELL Coins + Spins
- SheendoLeaf! – RELL Coins + Spins
- EspadaAiz! – RELL Coins + Spins
- DeT1m3esN0w! – RELL Coins + Spins
- NewY34rShindo! – 25k RC + 100 Bonus Spins
- DisEsn0tDe3nd! – 10k RC + 100 Spins
- ShindoXm4z1! – 400 Spins + 70,000 RELL Coins
- ShindoXm4z2! – 200 Spins + 30,000 RELL Coins
- m4dar4kum5! – RELL Coins + Spins
- kemekaAkumna! – 11k RC + 110 Spins
- kemekaAkumnaB! – 32k RC + 200 Spins
- 10kRsea! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 29kRsea! – Spins & RELL Coins
- timeslowsdown! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 3y3sofakum4! – Spins & RELL Coins
- g00dt1m3zW1llcome! – 200 Spins
- y3zs1r! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 16kRChe! – Spins & RELL Coins
- theT1m3isN34R! – Spins & RELL Coins
- HALLOW33N3v3n7! – 200 Spins, 20k RC
- beleave1t! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 15kRCboy! – Spins & RELL Coins
- G00dvib3zOnly! – Spins & RELL Coins
- doG00dToday! – Spins & RELL Coins
- HALLOW33N2022! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 17kRCboy! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 0unce0fcomm0n5ense! – Free Spins
- 20kcoldRC! – 20k RC
- RELLtuffm0ns! – 10k RC + Spins
- PuppetM0ns! – 70k RC
- IndraAkum0n! – Spins & RELL Coins
- IndraAkumon! – 47,928 RELL Coins
- bicmanRELLm0n! – 50,000 RELL Coins
- FizzAlphi! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Alph1RELL! – Spins & RELL Coins
- 2ndYearSL2hyp3! – 50k-60k RC
- 2ndYearSL2hype! – 500 Spins & 100k RC
- bigmanRELLman! – Spins & RELL Coins
- AprreciateDeLittletings! – Spins & RELL Coins
- MinakazeTentaci0n! – 50k RC
- 6hindoi5lif35! – 200 Spins
- b4tmonBigm4n! – Spins & RELL Coins
- rayK3r3d4! – Spins & RELL Coins
- ss5Shindo55! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Sw3LLhArdW0rk! – Spins & RELL Coins
- theRELLhasR3turn3d! – Spins & RELL Coins
- R3LLhardW0rkd! – Spins & RELL Coins
- shindorengo! – 200 Spins
- G04thasR3turned! – Spins & RELL Coins
- RELLhardWorkmyGuy! – Spins & RELL Coins
- k1nGhasR3turned! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Gr1nDinH4rd! – Spins & RELL Coins
- onlyTeemWeelTeel! – Spins & RELL Coins
- rahwomen! – Spins & RELL Coins
- muyHungerb0i! – Spins & RELL Coins
- Ragnat! – 100k RELL Coins + 500 Spins
- Ragnarr! – 100k RELL Coins + 500 Spins
- Ragnaarr! – 10k RELL Coins + 200 Spins
- verryHungry! – Spins & RELL Coins
- RamenShindai! – 99 Spins
- RamenGuyShindai! – 30k RELL Coins
- Shindotwo2! – Spins
- fansAppreciatioN! – 15k RELL Coins
- ShinobiKenobi! – Spins
- c0434dE! – 50k RELL Coins
- RyujiMomesHot! – 200 Spins
- RELLYrellcoins! – 150k RC & 500 Spins
- onehunnet! – 100 Spins
- CCwh3Re! – RELL Coins
- HeyBudniceCode! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ccH0w! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- zangAkma! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BoruGaiden! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BoruShiki! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ZangetsuWu! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ZanAkumaNs! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- RELL123SeA! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BruceKenny! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- KennyBruce! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ccWeaR! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- PieceSeaLLeR! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- RuneKoncho! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- VeryStrange! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BeastTitan3! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- GenThreeYesson! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- GenGen3Apol! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ApoLspirT! – Redeem code for 200K RELL Coins
- farmsJins! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- SeaARELL! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- Johnsuki! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- Erenshiki! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- J1nSHEEkeys! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- 0aCbeHUHwhat! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- Dr1vingYEAGER! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- j1nG0kU! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- j1NyErGAr! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- OACBlols! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- ShUpDoodE! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BiGGemups! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- RELLseesBEEs! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- rellCoyn! – Redeem code for RELL Coins
- Gen3When! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- SoUwUndKen! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- k3Ns0uND! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- BigOleSOUND! – Redeem code for Spins & RELL Coins
- G00DHPg00dLife! – Redeem code for 60 Spins & 6,000 RELL Coins
- SEnpieBenKai! – Redeem code for 30 Spins & 3,000 RELL Coins
- renGOkuuu! – Redeem code for Spins
- rENgunK0! – Redeem code for Spins
- BigRenGokuMon! – Redeem code for Spins
- drMorbiusmon! – Redeem Code For 200 Spins & RELL Coins
- TenGOkuuu! – Redeem code for Free Spins & 12,000 RELL Coins
- TENgunK0! – Redeem code for Free Spins & 6,000 RELL Coins
- BigTenGokuMon! – Redeem code for Free Spins & 3,000 RELL Coins
- akumaSinferno! – Redeem code for Free Spins & More
- tomspidermon! – Redeem code for Free Spins & More
- OlePonymon! – Redeem code for Free Spins & More
- niceTwiceEXpd! – Redeem code for 2x EXP
- penguins! – Redeem code for 60 Spins & 6,000 RELL Coins
- Er3NYEaRgear! – Redeem code for 30 Spins & 3,000 RELL Coins
- 58xp! – Redeem code for 5M EXP
- BusBius! – Redeem code for 120 Spins & 12,000 RELL Coins
- MorMor! – Redeem code for 120 Spins & 12,000 RELL Coins
- MorbiTing! – Redeem code for 30 Spins & 3,000 RELL Coins
- TensaSengoku! – Redeem code for 120 Spins & 12,000 RELL Coins
- TenSen! – Redeem code for 120 Spins & 12,000 RELL Coins
- NewBeginnings! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- 2022isHERE! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- REELdivine! – Redeem code for 5k RELL Coins
- moreechpee! – Redeem code for 5M XP
- 2YrsDev! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- RELL2020Year! – Redeem code for Spins
- RELLsup! – Redeem code for Spins
- Spooderman! – Redeem code for a Stat Point Reset
- BeenSomeTimeBoi! – Redeem code for 6 Million Ryo
- Shindo2022! – Redeem code for 100 spins & 10,000 RELL Coins
- HappyNewYear! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- REELsantar! – Redeem code for 500 Spins + 90,000 RELL Coins
- REELclaus! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- REELcookies! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- REELworked!– Redeem code for 100 Spins + 10,000 RELL Coins
- REELlicks! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- Subscribe2CaribBros! – Redeem code for RELL Coins
- PeterPorker! – Redeem code for 150 Spins
- BullyMaguire! – Redeem code for 150 Spins
- AlphiramaAkuma! – Redeem code for 150 Spins
- AlphiramaShizen! – Redeem code for 150 Spins
- Cowabunging! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins
- FannyPacked! – Redeem code for 40 Spins
- BIGmonLEEKS! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- DEEBLEexPE! – Redeem code for 2x XP for 60 Minutes
- UpdateIsHERE! – Redeem code for 20,000 RELL Coins
- Pray4Update! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- de2001! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- de2002! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- de2003! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- de2004! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- de2005! – Redeem code for 74 Spins
- BelieveOtMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- bigExperienceMon! – Redeem code for 2x XP for 60 minutes
- bossMonRELL! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- bigjobMON! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- ShindoBlickyHittingMilly! – Redeem code for 150 Spins & 10k RELL Coins
- IeatChiken! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- bigthickcodeMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- J0eStar! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- chillenBuildenMon! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- berryCoolMon! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- bigExperienceMon! – Redeem code for 1 Hour 2x EXP
- BankaiZenDokei! – Redeem code for 500 Spins & 50k RELL Coins
- giftFOEdayZ! – Redeem code for 5m experience
- howToSleepMon! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins & 50 Spins
- BankaiDokei! – Redeem code for 250 Spins & 25,000 RELL Coins
- deTingBigMon! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins & 50 Spins
- halfChikenMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- fellaDeRELLa! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- RunningfromDeMon! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- BigRELLmonCode! – Redeem code for 5k RELL Coins & 50 Spins
- checkmateMon! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- bigBeardMon! – Redeem code for 5 Million EXP
- tingsMonTings! – Redeem code for Double EXP 1 Hour
- useDeBrainMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- RELLniceCode! – Redeem code for 7,000 RELL Coins & 70 Spins
- CleanAnimsMON! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- PetdeDogMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- FiredUpMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- RELLC01NZPATCHY! – Redeem code for 10,000 RELL Coins
- 150kayRC! – Redeem code for 150K RELL Coins
- 100OPDATESmon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- BenkeiEkuman! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- FREExpMON! – Redeem code for XP
- HardWokMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- FlippingWokMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- poopENhoopyEn! – Redeem code for 2,000 RELL Coins & 25 Spins
- VerifiedTwitter! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins & 75 Spins
- LetDeMonWok! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- ShootingSTarS! – Redeem code for Spins
- bigUPyup! – Redeem code for Spins
- BacktoWok! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- R3LLPATCHY! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins & 50 Spins (Update 100.1)
- NewEFFECTS! – Redeem code for 500 Spins (Update 100)
- ShindoGraphics! – Redeem code for 500 Spins (Update 100)
- BETTERgraphics! – Redeem code for 250 Spins (Update 100)
- EpicGRAPHICS! – Redeem code for 30,000 RELL Coins (Update 100)
- beDaSauceMon! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- biggerShOOs! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- chadSanGiGA! – Redeem code for Double XP Boost
- DaBoatWEELfloat! – Redeem code for 5,000 RELL Coins
- shrekT! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- shhneckT! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- shhcheaKs! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- chapEmUp! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- Raioojun! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- TaiMister! – Redeem code for 150 Spins
- 10MillEXP! – Redeem code for 10 Million XP & 4,000 RELL Coins
- S0rry4BUGZ! – Redeem code for 50 Spins (097 Servers)
- iLLoutWORKanyone! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- grindOFaGOD! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- ENERGYofAGOD! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- GOATofaBOATfloat! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- RELLpieceW! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- 1YearSL2! – Redeem code for 500 Spins
- 25KR3LLCO1NZZ! – Redeem code for 25,000 RELL Coins
- BigShindoGuns! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- GEToutMYwayNOOB! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- LoopyGomgom – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- GOTTAkeepPUSHINGon! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- holdMYSELFtogether! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- ShinBenTen! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- losingLIFE! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- ShinRen! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- KazeM1na! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- GOTTAkeepGOING! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- Minakaze! – Redeem code for 111 Spins
- PROVEemWRONG! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- SarachiaAkuma! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- aNewFEELing! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- work2HARD! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- fightTHEweakness! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- ShindoStorm! – Redeem code for 200 Spins
- ItsOurTime! – Redeem code for 30 Spins
- AlwaysHungryYe! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- NeedToUPmyself! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- HaveDeFaith! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- Kamaki! – Redeem code for 40 Spins
- AcaiB0wla! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- SL2isBack! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- AlwaysLevelingUp! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- RELLpoo! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- blick0ff! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- FindDeGrind! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- BookOfHype! – Redeem code for spins
- blick0ff! – Redeem code for 100 spins
- Lickman! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- wakeUpandSmelldeMoney! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- ForgedEvent! – Redeem code for spins
- HAHAHAHAwinBOIwin! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- sleepingOnurSucess! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- niceEXPdood! – Redeem code for Double EXP
- HotDogBigDog! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- chaChingcha! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- itALLaGrind! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- 200SPEENS! – Redeem code for 200 spins
- RELLcoin! – Redeem code for 500 spins
- DeRELLCoin! – Redeem code for 500 spins
- SkunkBruv! – Redeem code for spins
- EngLishGalFiona! – Redeem code for spins
- ReUSkunkedMate! – Redeem code for spins
- l00kaTM3Foo! – Redeem code for spins
- sockDropItFans! – Redeem code for spins
- SweeOnlyHands! – Redeem code for spins
- DeTINGZZZ! – Redeem code for spins
- BigManBadManTing! – Redeem code for spins
- TaknaP1zza! – Redeem code for 90 Spins
- TingsYaknow! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- DeTingTingsTing! – Redeem code for spins
- YaKnoDeVibezman! – Redeem code for spins
- ThickUpz! – Redeem code for spins
- sickNHealthy! – Redeem code for spins
- shotyofaceFam! – Redeem code for spins
- BigBattyBoi! – Redeem code for spins
- dexp! – Redeem code for a reward
- LeRELLrad! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- movingUpWayUp! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- bidnessfam! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- CashBad! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- CCsad! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- 2Rad! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- HatersMad! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- notinPersonal! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- ChekEt! – Redeem code for spins
- PrideUpBruv! – Redeem code for spins
- weDemBois! – Redeem code for spins
- prayTaGod! – Redeem code for 25 Spins
- NothingStopYou! – Redeem code for spins
- iAmLegendary! – Redeem code for spins
- zucYamumFam! – Redeem code for a reward
- FarmerdeMan! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- GardenFarm! – Redeem code for spins
- FarmingMeLawn! – Redeem code for spins
- PostFarmloan! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLswee200k! – Redeem code for 45 Spins
- MentallyFarmers! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- NindoShindo! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- n3vaN33dedhelp! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- Pl4y3rsUp! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- lostThemWHERE! – Redeem code for 2x XP
- rellEmberBias! – Redeem code for spins
- dangS0nWearU! – Redeem code for spins
- yaDUNkno! – Redeem code for spins
- playShind0! – Redeem code for spins
- WeRiseB3y0nd! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- ONLYwS! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- cryAboutEt! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- Sk1LLWAP! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- m0n3yUpFunnyUp! – Redeem code for spins
- HOLYMILLofLIKES! – Redeem code for 500 spins
- Sk1LLGaWP! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- AnimeN0Alch3mist! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- datF4tt! – Redeem code for 45 spins
- inferi0r! – Redeem code for spins
- BahtMane! – Redeem code for 100 Spins
- isR3v3n3g3! – Redeem code for 90 spins
- LiGhTweighT! – Redeem code for spins
- M0utH! – Redeem code for spins
- BiccB0i! – Redeem code for spins
- SHINDO50! – Redeem code for spins
- expGifts! – Redeem code for 30 Minutes of 2x XP
- RabbitNoJutsu! – Redeem code for spins
- Underdog! – Redeem code for spins
- BaconBread! – Redeem code for spins
- Sou1b3ad! – Redeem code for spins
- R341G4M35! – Redeem code for spins
- GlitchesFixes! – Redeem code for spins
- Alchemist! – Redeem code for spins
- BigFatBunny! – Redeem code for spins
- EasterIsH3re! – Redeem code for spins
- EggHaunt! – Redeem code for spins
- AnimeNoAlchemist! – Redeem code for spins
- more3XP! – Redeem code for 2x XP
- RELLSm00th! – Redeem code for spins
- RELL2xExxP! – Redeem code for 2 hours of 2x XP
- RELLworld! – Redeem code for 200 spins
- RELLw3Lcomes! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLgreatful! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLsh1Nd0! – Redeem code for spins
- Shindai2Nice! – Redeem code for spins
- LagFix! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLbigbrain! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLhOuSe! – Redeem code for spins
- ThanksRELLGames! – Redeem code for spins
- EndLess! – Redeem code for spins
- BigThingZnow! – Redeem code for spins
- SickestDr0pz! – Redeem code for spins
- OneMill! – Redeem code for 500 spins
- TopDevRELL! – Redeem code for spins
- Smallgains! – Redeem code for spins
- Shad0rks! – Redeem code for spins
- ReLLm! – Redeem code for spins
- RemadeTailedSpirits! – Redeem code for spins
- YeagerMan! – Redeem code for spins
- EmberDub! – Redeem code for spins
- RiserAkuman! – Redeem code for spins
- m1ndTranzf3r! – Redeem code for spins
- zat5u! – Redeem code for spins
- SixP4thzSpirit! – Redeem code for spins
- VoneFix! – Redeem code for a stat reset
- blockNdoDge! – Redeem code for spins
- NiceEpic! – Redeem code for spins
- Kenichi! – Redeem code for spins
- SirYesS1r! – Redeem code for spins
- BugsCl4n! – Redeem code for spins
- silverfang! – Redeem code for spins
- Mashallah! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLspecsOut! – Redeem code for spins
- st4yw1th3m! – Redeem code for spins
- 5ucc355! -Redeem code for spins
- fiar3W0rkz! – Redeem code for spins
- gri11Burgars! – Redeem code for spins
- 1ceW0rks! – Redeem code for spins
- 2021N3wY3AR! – Redeem code for spins
- 4ndyd4ne! – Redeem code for spins
- Okaybreathair! – Redeem code for spins
- fourFOURfour! – Redeem code for spins
- k1llStr3ak! – Redeem code for spins
- m33ksm3llz! – Redeem code for spins
- r1cecrisp5! – Redeem code for spins
- 12D4yz0fh0tsauce! – Redeem code for spins
- anc1entp00p! – Redeem code for spins
- g1ftz0hgafts! – Redeem code for spins
- c4ndywh00ps! – Redeem code for spins
- B3LLaReR1ng1ng! – Redeem code for spins
- n0n0noooooo! – Redeem code for a stat reset
- PtS3! – Redeem code for a stat reset
- b1gBr34k! – Redeem code for spins
- sn0wm4nZ! – Redeem code for spins
- IssaHolid4y! – Redeem code for spins
- w1nt3rJ4ck3tz! – Redeem code for spins
- sl33py4D4yz! – Redeem code for spins
- m3rryH0tch0! – Redeem code for spins
- s4ntaBois! – Redeem code for spins
- G1ft4u! – Redeem code for spins
- MerryGiftmas! – Redeem code for spins
- 8hunnet! – Redeem code for spins
- M3rrym3rry! – Redeem code for spins
- Jin6le3! – Redeem code for spins
- Sn0wdayz! – Redeem code for spins
- c0ldNc0zy! – Redeem code for spins
- SubToRiserrDawn! – Redeem code for spins
- C4ntst0pus! – Redeem code for spins
- Sub2ProbAzim! – Redeem code for spins
- Sub2Alphi! – Redeem code for spins
- r3vn3g3! – Redeem code for spins
- 0nW4rdtoW1ns! – Redeem code for spins
- Sub2Sw33P33! – Redeem code for spins
- Sub2GhostInTheCosmos! – Redeem code for spins
- WeDidEtBois! – Redeem code for 50 spins
- w3B4ckbaby! – Redeem code for 30 spins
- 700k! – Redeem code for 250 spins
- 600kSubs! – Redeem code for 100 spins
- Ch4seDaDr3am! – Redeem code for spins
- K33pTry1ng! – Redeem code for spins
- B3L3veEt! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- Y0uG0tTh15! – Redeem code for spins
- St4yStr0ng! – Redeem code for spins
- d0ntLoseHope! – Redeem code for spins
- Ch4s3Dr3ams! – Redeem code for spins
- Go4ll0ut! – Redeem code for spins
- KeepM0v1ngOnwards! – Redeem code for spins
- BelieveInSelf! – Redeem code for spins
- OneMillionSubs2021! – Redeem code for 250 spins
- N3v3rSt0p! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- wh1t3f4ng! – Redeem code for spins
- W0rkH4rd! – Redeem code for spins
- K33pg0ing! – Redeem code for spins
- H0t0cak4! – Redeem code for spins
- Th1sM0mentC0unts! – Redeem code for spins
- Tru5t1nG0D! – Redeem code for spins
- h4ppy4sH3ckles! – Redeem code for spins
- suupm8s! – Redeem code for spins
- On1yWins! – Redeem code for spins
- wagw4ned! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLr4ddd! – Redeem code for spins
- 0b1toUc1h4! – Redeem code for spins
- D4tT3b4y0! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLsw33! – Redeem code for spins
- bigstr0nkguy! – Redeem code for spins
- M4ss1vewin! – Redeem code for spins
- G00dD4yzAh3d! – Redeem code for spins
- c0stum3dc10wn! – Redeem code for spins
- Event0n! – Redeem code for spins
- rellsp00ki3! – Redeem code for spins
- fiveguysYummyOng0d! – Redeem code for spins
- ha11ow3v3s! – Redeem code for spins
- t00stronkmate! – Redeem code for spins
- sk3l3t4lman! – Redeem code for spins
- b3l3iev3et! – Redeem code for spins
- bighungrybO1! – Redeem code for spins
- spookyb0i5! – Redeem code for spins
- WeDoneET! – Redeem code for spins
- bigups! – Redeem code for spins
- trick0rtre4t! – Redeem code for spins
- t0eS! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- wayman! – Redeem code for spins
- freepointsreset! – Redeem code for a point reset
- Deid4r4AY! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- milk! – Redeem code for 30 spins
- tryharding! – Redeem code for 30 spins
- nomercy! – Redeem code for 30 spins
- 50kBOYOS! – Redeem code for 50 spins
- 1stchuninexams! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- Greatjuice! – Redeem code for 30 spins
- knowpain! – Redeem code for 5 spins
- worldfeelpain! – Redeem code for 5 spins
- 80kDown! – Redeem code for 15 spins
- AnklesBroke! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLbroken! – Redeem code for spins
- Sensored! – Redeem code for spins
- RELLworldwide! – Redeem code for spins
- BigCodeSorry! – Redeem code for 25 spins
- RELLnumberOne! – Redeem code for spins
Shindo Life FAQs
How do I use codes in Shindo Life?
To redeem codes in Roblox Shindo Life, all you need to do is open up the game and hit the up arrow above the play option. This will bring you to the edit screen for your character. Look to the top right for the [YouTube Code] box. Copy one of the codes from our list, and paste it into the box. Hit the enter key to redeem it. Make sure you have less than 500 spins. That is the maximum amount you can have, so you will waste some spins if you are near the 500 mark!
- Open up Roblox Shindo Life on your PC or Mobile device
- Tap on the up arrow to get to the Edit section of the main menu
- Enter the customize character menu
- Copy a code from our list
- Paste it into the “[YOUTUBE CODE]” textbox
- Hit the enter key or it should redeem on its own
- Receive your reward
Let us know if any of the codes aren’t working, and we’ll update the list as soon as possible!
How do I get more spins and Shindo Life Codes?
The easiest way to get more spins is to use Shindo Life codes. These come out just about every update, milestone, and sometimes at random. You just have to wait for them to release! Keep an eye on the Rell Games official Twitter and YouTube for codes. We also update this page as soon as a new code is released! In game, you can get additional spins by completing daily missions, playing in Arena, and from Free Rewards.
What can I do with spins in Shindo Life?
Spins are used to get powerful Bloodlines for your character. Each spin gets you a chance for any of the available Bloodlines. The most powerful are the rarest to get, so you will need a lot of spins to obtain them. You can also spin for different elements as well.
How do I get a rare Bloodline?
For the most part, you really just have to get lucky with a spin. However, there’s one thing in your favor. After 80 total spins, you get a guaranteed full rarity spin. You will receive a notification when this spin is going to take place. Your next spin will get you a higher rarity Bloodline, which makes it your best bet in terms of getting something good.
How to find patch information on Shindo Life?
If you’re looking what was changed in a recent update of Shindo Life then be sure to check out the Shindo Life Trello!
Those are all of the codes we currently have listed for Roblox Shindo Life. If you see one that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments so we can add it right away!
I need more rellcoin so I can buy lariart fighting style and maybe new clothes
shindo needs more blood lines and element the ones that are already in the game can get very boreing som times ngl
not gonna lie shido needscodes for blood line and elements not just spins and reel coins just imagin you ut in a code and get narumaki 6 paths how cool would that be but they would be secret codes hidden on the map and would chang every so often so no one spamed alt acounts getting the codes
Btw new code it just came out Rykansanm4n!
Should already be on the list!
I’ve moved the expired ones now.
I don’t get it! I can’t use more than half of these codes!
Maybe they’re expired?!
Well some of the codes i put in say they work but when i put them in they dont redeem
so like now after the update everybody is gonna get op bloodlines, such as shindai ramen and strange… which sucks because no ones gonna feel all that powerful and special with their own unique bloodline (which they grinded so hard for) since everyone else is on the same level
new update when is that coming out?
This weekend most likely.
new codes
They’ve been added.
new code on youtube for 50k rellcoins
Added, thanks.
i saw that rell games made a new vid i havent watched it yet but check if it has codes
They added a code now, thanks.
why was my comment deleted i just told you i found a code
It wasn’t deleted, don’t be impatient.
sorry my computer lagged and it was there then disappeared sorry
The 80 spin rarity thing did not work for my device and idk what to do to get a rare bloodline.
It Also dosent work for me
its the weekend are there codes now?
Not yet, be patient.
also do you get the codes from yt or from twitter?
any new codes?
Not yet, probably this weekend.
make sure to add the 200k rc code when its out im really loving this site ty for making this!
No problem, we’ll be adding it as soon as it releases!
yo only the new codes work. can you update it please?
Moved to expired, thanks.
The codes might be expired, or you have already used them. Otherwise, I’m not sure unless you tell me exactly what is happening.
BeenSomeTimeBoi! Isn’t working
Moved to expired, thanks.
can i become admin
can i become admin?
No, only I get to be admin!
These codes are the best thank you for going out of your way and telling us the codes
No problem!
can you add 100k rell coin codes
i just have one thing to say i got a scroll and it said i did and i dont see itin my menu
all the codes are expired but Spooderman!
Fixed, thanks.
i cant reddem the codes
Looks like a lot of them expired, sorry!
Can you come out with more MAX spin codes please I really need it.
none work
You are right, I’m surprised they wouldn’t have any available. I’ve moved them to expired.
So can you please add more rell coin codes I have only 400 rell coins and I would like more.
Thank you.
I have no power to add more codes, this is a fan site.
leatChicken! is not work at all
Only the three (New) codes work, everything else doesnt…
Many of them still worked, only a few were expired. Don’t just try a couple and say everything doesn’t work.
ShindoBlickyHittingMilly! this new code dont work
Worked fine for me, make sure you’re in an updated server.
leatChicken! is not working
It’s “IeatChiken!” without the quotes and no second “c”, make sure to copy the codes exactly as they are listed.
Yo Uh The Bigbeardmon Code Doesn’t work
Moved to expired, thanks.